- Sale!
- Hospital Website
₹39,999.00₹29,999.00 - Hospital Website fullfills all the needs of Hospital & Patient. Patient can take appointment with a particular doctors & Hospital Management can manage everything happening inside hospital with the software installed, . This website comes with free Domain Name, SSL certificate. Renewal Charges is 9999/- Per year Half Payment required at beginning of work, Rest should be paid before submission of admin Panel detail. DEMO Website Links : Note:…
- Sale!
- Brand Hospital Website
₹69,999.00₹49,999.00 - Brand Hospital Website fulfills all the needs of Large Hospital (More than 100 Medical Staffs) & Patient. Patient can take appointment with a particular doctors & Hospital Management can manage everything happening inside hospital with the software installed, . This website comes with free Domain Name, SSL certificate. Renewal Charges is 9999/- Per year Half Payment required at beginning of work, Rest should be paid before submission of admin…